Game Summaries & Headlines.
CARO Girls Varsity Soccer team beat Brown City HS School 9-1
5.0 years ago @ 9:48PM | KARIM AMELLAL
- Game Date
- Apr 23, 2019
- Score
- TIGERSCaro High School: 9
The Tigers left the CARO High School on the bus without Junior Alyssa Smith who was sick at home. The weather was overcast and temperatures dropped from the day before from 75F to 55F but was deemed as a soccer weather! The visitors arrived at the Brown City soccer field which had a very soft ground with some locations soaked with water and mud. The coach made some slight adjustments in the lineup by assigning Ellie Fisch and Abby Spencer in the center midfield real estate to secure the area and deliver solid passes to the forward crew consisting of Katie Scharrer and Olivia Walker supported by the outside midfielders Faith MacDonald and Lexie Johnson who both have speed and skills. The defensive squad remained unchanged with sweeper Lydia Chapelo and stopper Marisol Reyes supported by the outside defenders Olivia Montgomery and Bryanna Funsch. Deziree Hughes was helping the coach with stats while waiting to be substituted.
The fist 5 minutes were dominated by the visitors from Caro and the ball never left the opponent's half. On a lost ball, Fisch intercepted a play and decided to shoot the ball towards the goalie from the outside box which surprised her with a very accurate beautiful goal on the top right corner. What a good way to set the tone for Captain Fisch who always played on the right defense. Five minutes later, the hosts started to put pressure on the Tigers defense which was caught with the talented Brown City forward who delivered a nice and beautiful shot past above the Caro goalie for a 1-1 tie. That was their first shot and chance on the Caro Goalie Talena Pifer. This goal sent a message to the visitors who took matter in their hands by controlling better the game and creating more chances. It was just a matter of time for the Caro team to add more goals by Freshman Olivia Walker, Sophomores Katie Scharrer and Abby Spencer, capitalized on several chances created and master-pieced as a team. It was already 8-1 at the end of first half and within 10 minutes to the second half, Katie Scharrer ended the game with 9-1 final score. Olivia Walker ended up scoring 4 goals (1 PK) with 1 assist, Katie Scharrer scored 3 goals, Ellie Fisch 1 goal and Abby Spencer with 1 goal. Lexie Johnson ended up with 3 assists with 2 beautiful corner kicks, Faith MacDonald assisted 2 goals with her persistence to win and carry the ball forward and help out her forward teammates, Deziree Hughes who assisted 1 goal and really came close to score her first goal ever, and finally sweeper and Captain Lydia Chapelo ended up with 1 assist while playing a solid defensive game protecting her goalie and constraining the opponents to only one goal, assisted by stopper Marisol Reyes who played an awesome game as well. Olivia Montgomery and Bryanna Funsch defended their wings with great conviction and limited the opponents to minimal breakaways, therefore contributed to their team by keeping the pressure up front which helped the offensive crew to capitalize on the several chances and created opportunities. As always, the Caro Goal Tender Talena Pifer was very strong by possessing and owning her box and therefore limited and stopped those breakaways by that talented Brown City forward player. Pifer came close to experience her second shutout but it has been delayed unfortunately for the next game to come. This was a great team effort, play making and ball control exercise for the Tigers who dominated all the way and ended the game with a merci with 10 minutes into the second half. It's been at least 5 years a Caro team has not won with merci against another team and scored that many goals. With the two wins the Tigers had, 13 goals were scored in just two games. Another record never seen for a long time.
The game MVP award was presented to center midfielder and sophomore Abby Spencer who not only scored a goal but controlled the center midfield real estate and delivered various solid passes to her forward teammates. She won most of the fights in center midfield supported by another center midfielder, Ellie Fisch.
Next game will be away visiting CAPAC High School on Friday, April 26 at 5:30 pm.