Game Summaries & Headlines.
Caro Girls Varsity Soccer Team Falls to Birch Run Team 0-8
5.0 years ago @ 8:32PM | KARIM AMELLAL
- Game Date
- Apr 2, 2019
- Score
- TIGERSCaro High School: 0
The CARO Girls Varsity Soccer team was visiting the hosting Panthers from Birch Run for a "non conference" confrontation game. This was a test for the Tigers as 7 new players completed the team. Unfortunately, this first game will not be representative of the whole team since the key goal keeper Talena Pifer was missing and another new player not ready to begin with the team. Therefore, the coaches had to re-organize the line-up with only 11 players with no subs. Lydia Chapelo (usually the team's sweeper), stepped up to guard the Tigers net as a goalie. The first half was scoreless for about 20 minutes in the game which was a great improvement from last year. Obviously, the hosts who had almost 10 subs dominated the game and it was only a matter of time for the Tigers to allow the first goal to put the Panthers on the board. The Tigers were fighting to protect the close score and minimize any further damage. Fair enough with no substitutions, as time went by, the fatigue factor gained the players from Caro and the inexperience of the goal tender made a perfect storm for the hosts to score another 4 goals in the first half. The Tigers did their best to contain the skilled players from Birch Run but could only do so much as they were getting tired and deemed not enough to stop the bleeding. Second half started with 5-0 lead for the hosts and the Caro Tigers contained the scoring machine for about 15 minutes to witness and be subjected to an 0-8 merci game. The good news: the Caro Tigers looked great for their first game despite the absence of their key goalie and no one got hurt/injured.
The game MVP award was presented by the coaches to the volunteer goal tender Lydia Chapelo who did an awesome job despite her inexperience as a goalie. She also made some spectacular saves to limit the damage to her teammates and last longer until the second half.
The soccer season looks promising for the proud Tigers after this first game against a very strong team from Birch Run.
Next game is at home in CARO against the visiting team from North Branch at 4:30 pm.